onsdag den 23. september 2009

One camera. Two men. And alot of salt...


I have been at TAW for a few weeks now, and enjoying it very much! At VGHF we have finnished our focus on salt as a theme in biology, math and geography. At TAW we continue this focus on salt, however, in a whole other perspective.

In stead of learning the formula of diffrent salts, we "experience" salt, taste it, listen to it, and draw it. We create diffrent "salt experiences" for each other, where we must define the mood, the color and generally think in a very alternative manner.

So far we have drawn pictures with our eyes closed, describing our feeling with the diffrent salt experiences we tried out on each other. I made sort of a live roleplay, focusing on the darker mood of salt, being in a salt mine from the 1800th century and mining the salt without any protection. It was a great success :)

Yesterday the 22nd of september, Sergei held this collage workshop for us, being a master of collage himself. The collage we made had to represent our own salt experience, defining the mood of it.
These collages will then be printed into larger pictures and decorate Sergei's gallery, the Senko studio on saturday for an exhibition.

I was only partly satisfied with my own, so currently i am working on two more, describing the same mood of the deep salt mine. The seem to have hit the mood i was looking for :)

To prepare for the collage workshop, we had to go out and take pictures of salt in diffrent situations, and i will upload some of the best pictures from my photosession with Mikkel as my model :)

Apart from working with salt, croquis is an allmost daily thing, greatly improving our drawing techniques. I can allready now see that i have grown in skill.

Most days starts with "morning dance"! Visuelf hf and TDA, The Drawing Academy located on TAW, gathers in a gym hall, with music chosen by a TDA teacher who hosts the morning dance. We just dance for our selfs for half an our! "A way of connecting with our body, we have to be in the rest of the day" -quote Iben.
I love this, i really haven't tried anything like it before. A great idea. Our teacher, Iben, says she can easily feel when the students have been to the morning dance, for they are filled with energy, fresh and ready for the day. Many slack the first half an our or hour of the day while they wake up, so this dance works very well. I truely enjoy the "alternative" ways of TAW. :)

Then there is allways the open evening croquis at 17:30 pm i usually attend, just to get the exercise. The envoirment is great at TAW. The croquis models are usually students here at TAW or TDA themselfs! This evening im going to join a "drawing improvisation workshop", here at TAW. I have no idea what is about! But it sounds like fun :)

Collage workshop with Sergei Sviatchenko

The new and improved Mikkel, now with my t-shirt on.
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Collage workshop with Sergei Sviatchenko

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Collage workshop with Sergei Sviatchenko

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Collage workshop with Sergei Sviatchenko

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Salt photosession with Mikkel

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Salt Photosession with Mikkel

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Salt photosession with Mikkel

torsdag den 17. september 2009

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Dette er notater fra mit interview med Kristian, efter at han prøvede den oplevelse med salt, som jeg havde lavet. Ud over spørgsmål som "Beskriv stemningen under oplevelsen" spurgte jeg også hvad for en farve han ville beskrive oplevelsen med, efter Ibens forslag, trods det at han havde bind for øjnene. Inspireret fra det spørgsmål, spurgte jeg f.eks. også Kristian, hvor han ville placere oplevelsen på en skala fra 1-10, mellem Gud og Satan, højt eller lavt, hurtigt eller langsomt, og hvilket af de fire elementer de ville beskrive det med. I starten af forsøget gav jeg personen salt at spise. Hvis de skulle beskrive det hele med en smag, ville det således være "salt" eller "tørt" som Kristian også sagde. Derfor spurgte jeg, fra den samme skala, hvor de ville placere oplevelsen mellem surt og sødt.

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The Beginning

This is my first blog, and this is where i will upload pictures of my work.

As a student on Visuel Hf, i will keep this blog updated with pictures of my drawings and projekts i am working on, during the 3 years here at TAW and VGHF.

Visuel Hf = "Visual College" Kreative collage. http://www.visuelhf.dk/

TAW= The Animation workshop http://www.animwork.dk/

VGHF= Viborgs Gymnasium og Hf - Viborg College http://www.vghf.dk/